Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Ja sam feministica ....femisnism za nove generacije/I am a feminist....femisnizm for a new generations

Prepared by: Maria Theresa Maan –Bešić
Women's Studies 2012-2013, Women to Women
Bosnia and Herzegovina
14 October, 2012

The feminist movement has been the primary reason for the equality that women experience today. However due to the history of feminism it can be concluded that as a political movement it failed to unite ALL women. The history and various events from different generations of women in new millenuem, new era, generations from generations, friends and enemies, partners in crimes, solidarity for action, voices for all, stop violence, stand for your rights and so many other confronting and encouraging words.  

But the questions is how woman percieve and react in all of these melanchonic words, or might be dilusion or illusion? what is right and acceptable?  My guess...action speak louder than words. As individual being, as a person, as a human being with mental ability to think I would rather say that this requires a re-thinking, a re-speaking and a re-enacting of our actions on every level.

Gender equality should be a move by all members of a specific gender for reform, it should not be exclusive to a specific group. Both the first wave and second wave movements failed to unify all women, perhaps it caused an irreparable drift between race, social and class groups. That could be a possible explanation for the many varying feminist theories today.

All of these theoretical, academic version and stories are absolutely powerful, because it moves all women who have the same interests in removing the same barriers of gender oppression in society whatever the reasons and it's purpose. The past century has witnessed enormous changes in various lives of all women. In many ways women’s lives have come to resemble men’s. The fight for equality is not over.  From the suffragettes to the revolutionary feminists, each wave of feminism has left a mark on the culture and has provided a foundation, or more properly a launching pad, for the next generation. Women need human equality, which means a broader evolution in culture and in the attitudes of men.

 Because women are still underpaid at work and undervalued at home, because they are still subject to discrimination and violence from men, the fight must go on. The changes wrought by the two waves of feminism have indeed been revolutionary. If the past is used to guess at the future, then women will continue to pursue their quest for equality throughout the third wave and into the next. There is a positive future to feminism and much can still be achieved if women believe in themselves, and what they stand for.

I believe the power of feminizm! and its presence is in my thoughts, in every actions I'm doing. In my own world, work force, family, friends, and society that I belong.  Feminizm made me confident to act and give all my full potencial to live which is the most wonderful GIFT OF LIFE TO LIVE in my own peace and happiness.

It is therefore for us in our generation to set about with joy the task of recreating our own transformative way of feminism, with the new eyes. We need to translate our actions  into our language which is liberative for today. I believe that the ability to see things from a woman's perspective which is important, rather than the biological gender of the theologian.

We already know that feminizm does not have a single meaning, and understanding the different kinds of feminist work. There is no right and wrong which best waves of feminizm best interpretation is all depend in YOU! ourselves. The POWER lies in all our actions and decitions.

Let's start! to organsise ourselves into small group discussion, to re-think, re-speak and re-enact!

 Use the most and live the best of it. Go out and enjoy the day, say i love you to your love once, partner, family, parents and friends.Visit the sick or your oldfolks, shelter the homeless,  feed those who are hungry, give drink to the thirsty, or go for a walk, go for gardening watch football or tele series or just simply stop and enjoy the power and silence of your inner self.

Just believe in yourself and live up to your full potential!
Start now and enjoy life everyday.


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